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Saturday, May 16, 2015

Tamil herbal medicine for diabetes Mooligai vaithiyam

This article is on Tamil herbal medicine for diabetes Mooligai vaithiyam. Tamil medicine for diabetes is completely naturely hence no side effects. Diabetes has become the most common disease in these early years. When many allopathic medicines are available to treat the condition, the ancient treatment details shows that ayurvedic and siddha medicines are also showing equal benefits for the disease. Generally in ayurveda Nisa Amlaki is used for treating and averting diabetes. Tamil maruthuvam for diabetes suggest to use
Nisa Amlaki, it  is a medicinal combination prepared with turmeric powder and amla. Other than Nisa Amlaki, Madhumeght Choornam is another wonderful medicine prepared by ayurvedic diabetes treatment in Tamil nadu and siddha medicinal therapists.

How to control diabetes in Tamil medicine 

It is necessary for the patient to be regular about blood tests, so that blood sugar level can be kept under control. In blood tests the therapists are keen about the Glycosylated Hemoglobin level in the blood. If that level is found above the normal range then it can be harmful for the patient’s other organs.  Here is a simple method to prepare natural medicine for diabetes in Tamil treatment.

Madhumegha choornam which is suggested in Siddha therapy to treat diabetes is a combination of some easily found ingredients. It can be available in any herbal medical store also. Total six ingredients are used to make this choornam. Here is the formula to make this beneficial choornam:

Turmeric powder (freshly ground) – 25 grams, (preferably organic turmeric)

Amla powder – 50 grams

Fenugreek seeds powder – 50 grams

Dried curry leaves powder - 50 grams

Phyllanthus neruri or Keelanelli powder – 50 grams and

Kadugurohini powder – 12.5 grams

It is very easy to make powder of organic turmeric in a mixer after making small pieces of it with help of hammer. Remove the seeds of dry amla and grind it into powder. Fenugreek seeds can be ground very easily. Dry the curry leaves in shade and make powder of it. Keelanelli or phyllanthus neruri is especially used for the treatment of jaundice. The plant is loaded with hepato-protective properties which makes it useful for the healing of diabetes as well. For diabetes treatment the roots of the plant are used. Roots are washed and dried and then ground into powder.

Kadugurohini can be ground easily in mixer. After grinding all these powders are mixed and strained. Mix only 2 grams powder in warm water and consume it thrice a day before every meal. The choornam can be made at home easily and it is used in tablet form also. This choornam is very beneficial for treatment of enduring disease of diabetes. This Tamil herbal medicine for diabetes treatment can be taken along with allopathic medicines also provided the patient should be very alert about the blood sugar level.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Athimathuram uses Tamil herbal Health benefits

This is the information of athimathuram uses Tamil herbal Health benefits. athimathuram English name is Liquorice, the plant roots are loaded with magical medicinal properties useful for many diseases like cough, asthma, HIV, ulcers, any type of fungal and viral infections, athlete’s food, hair fall, dandruff, acidity, liver problems, babies infections, menopause and many more. Let’s try to know about some athimathuram herbal medicine values.  
Athimathuram benefits for hair: The herbal medicine of athimathuram powder is uses to cure hair fall due to dandruff problem.

Athimathuram for cold: In villages Athimathuram  is given to cure and cough in babies.
Fights against depression:It has been proved that the root of the plant is beneficial in controlling stress level effectively. The Asparagine Amino Acid present in liquorice roots can balance stress hormone level and controls our nervous system by restoring equilibrium. The use of liquorice can keep you away from depression, anxiety and fatigue.

Good for controlling cholesterol level:The liquorice roots are helpful to control the cholesterol level in our body. The anti-oxidant properties of liquorice roots are beneficial for Capillary health by supporting better blood circulation.

For hormonal imbalance:The anti oxidant properties and phytoestrogenic assets of liquorice roots are beneficial in controlling hormonal levels. The adverse effects during menopause like mood swings and fatigue can be well managed by the use of these roots. Liquorice capsules are available in the market for the benefits of women.

Best treatment for menstrual cramps: Those who suffer from side effects before or during menstrual period can take advantage of liquorice roots. Menstrual cramps, nausea and bloating during this period can be easily treated by consuming liquorice root tea daily before and during the menstrual cycle.

Athimathuram for skin: Many types of skin problems like rashes, allergy, dry skin, psoriasis and eczema can be treated with the help of liquorice roots. The anti inflammatory properties of the roots can reduce the skin problems within some days. The paste of liquorice roots should be applied on the affected area.

Acidity and other stomach problems: The roots extracts are beneficial in digestive process. It can reduce the soreness of the digestive system and controls gastric problems easily. Consumption of licorice tea daily can improve our bowel health remarkably.

Lose your weight:It is proved that the regular consumption of liquorice roots extract can show noteworthy reduction in body weight. Regular exercise, balanced diet and liquorice root extract can show you desired change in your body shape within 2-3 months.

Throat and salivary glands problems: To cure the problems related with salivary glands, the liquorice roots are considered be to a very good treatment. It can also cure the itching and soreness of throat effectively.

Herpes and shingles treatment: Use of capsule made with the herbs roots extracts can be used to treat herpes and shingles effectively. The paste made with liquorice roots can be applied on the affected area daily. The medicinal properties of liquorice roots can prevent the growth and the return of the infection due to herpes virus.