This is Tamil vaithiyam herbal mooligai medicine blog. Here you can get mooligai plants home remedy nattu veetu medicine treatment for weight loss, babies problems, dandruff, diabetes sugar, cancer, acidity, skin infection, kidney stone, hair growth, blood pressure, constipation, cold and cough etc.
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Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Vasambu medicinal benefits and uses Tamil Herbal Treatment
This is vasambu medicinal benefits and uses Tamil herbal treatment. Baby nutrition problems and baby sleep problems
are the most common problems in newborns. Acorus calamus or Vasambu is also
famous as Pillai Valarpan that means the herb which is beneficial for the
growth of your baby. In English the herb is known as Sweet flag for its taste
and odor. This is the best traditional medicine for children diseases. This herbal plant is used from ancient time in Ayurveda as well as Siddha
medicines. In modern era the plant is used for its sedative and laxative
properties. There is no side effects of using this in normal children.
The major and famous use of this natural cure medicine is for the healthy growth of babies. In many problems of new
born babies the herb is very useful. Herbal medicine properties of the
root help to cure many diseases. The medicinal herb is burnt over the flame and crushed before mixing it with water or
mother’s milk. This paste is given to babies for many problems. For the herbal treatment of colic infants the above mentioned paste is rubbed on baby’s tongue
every morning for few days. You can also get elcarim drops in the market which
contain the extracts of this herb.
Vasambu benefits for babies: If the baby is suffering from loose motions
then the paste made with Acorus Calamus is mixed with honey and given to baby
as a treatment.
Vasambu for newborn uses: Vasambu root beads bangle is used for babies.
When the infant smells the smell of the root the problems of indigestion and
vomiting are get cured.
Vasambu for cold: The paste of acorus calamus along with breast milk is a
very good remedy for cold in babies.
Insect bite: The babies often get irritated with insect bites. Acorus calamus is a
very good option to solve this problem. Take a piece of this herb and tie it
with string. Now tie this thread around baby’s neck and baby will be safe from
the insect bite.
Many babies will face speech problems. In such cases the herb is used as
a very good remedy. The dosage varies according to the health condition, age
and disease of the babies.
Apart from babies Vasambu and honey is used for general problems like Gas, acid reflux, loose motion, hair
removal, and flatulence. The other stomach problems like indigestion, stomach,
loss of appetite can also be cured with the herb extracts.
Vasambu for dandruff: This medicinal herb is used in treating dandruff
problem in ayurveda.
The herb is widely used as a sedative for its calming effects. The plant
is used in siddha and ayurvedic therapies as a perfect medicine for the
problems like arthritis and rheumatoid. For many types of skin problems the
herb can be directly used in many places.
Medically it is proved that the medicinal properties of acorus calamus
can be used for muscle relaxation.
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